We’ve just bought a kitten and the children are besotted. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
It wasn’t a rash decision; we started mulling it over last year but the timing wasn’t right. Lockdown might have been a bit of a catalyst (no pun intended), but the real clincher was seeing the joy our twins derived from playing with a friendly Ragdoll<\/a> cat that visited our garden last week.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
We let our eldest in on our plans and got her to do some research about what kittens need in terms of food, sleeping, toys and toilet\/hygiene. Then we ordered everything off Amazon in one go so it was ready and waiting for when we got our kitten.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Animal shelters are all shut right now so we headed to Pets4Homes,<\/a> which is the UK’s most popular pet classifieds. We wanted a Ragdoll (or part Ragdoll cat) as that’s what the girls had fallen in love with. Happily, as a breed, they’re known to have a laid back sociable nature and are touted as one of the best cat breeds for children.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
We had a good telephone chat with the breeder. She had a litter of four, eight-week olds (kittens shouldn’t leave their mothers before eight weeks). Their dad is a Ragdoll and mum is a British short-haired Tortie Tabby (Torbie)<\/a>. We weren’t too concerned about the sex of the kitten as once neutered there’s little to no difference as to which makes the better pet. A plus point for me was that they were already ‘toilet trained’.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
We looked at the pictures and chose our favourite. <\/p>\n\n\n\n