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I loved Lego as a child, and now my children have inherited my collection I’m loving it all over again, so I jumped at the chance to see The Lego Movie on DVD when Suppose.com offered to send it to me for review.


The plot:

Emmet, a generic, instruction-following Lego figure, is mistakenly identified as the extraordinary ‘special’ one of a prophecy, who can save the world from the evil Lord Business. Lord Business is infiltrating every part of the Lego people’s lives from making the Lego instructions they follow, to selling the coffee they drink and making the TV programmes they watch. His ultimate plan is to glue every piece of Lego where he wants it so no one can ever move out of place again.

Will Emmet – with the help of his comrades – prove to be the unlikely hero?

What we thought:

A classic tale of good fighting evil and finding your inner ‘special’ qualities (even if they are well hidden), this Universal film is visually brilliant. My five-year-old and twins (who are nearly three) immediately got excited about the sight of all the Lego and found it funny from the start despite a lot of the humour being targeted at adults. It’s a great nostalgia trip for the older audience, but also relevant and instantly recognisable to a young audience.

There’s plenty of action and different Lego realms to entertain as well as a romantic sub-plot and plenty of laughs. Lego cameos from a host of well-known characters such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Superman, which are coupled with wonderfully-casted voice overs from the likes of Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Will Ferrell and Jonah Hill add to the movie’s charms.

My husband particularly liked the ‘Face Off’ scene with Good Cop/Bad Cop (you’ll have to watch it to understand) and got all misty-eyed over a spaceship the characters built: it was just the same as the ones he used to build.

I thought it was a bit slow to get started and about 10-15 minutes too long, but it made for very enjoyable viewing, had a happy ending and was well-received by my five-year-old who was entertained throughout. The twins were probably a little young for it, so did get a bit restless towards the end, but I would have expected that with any film. Be warned… “Everything is Awesome” will be your new ear worm.

Good, clean, family fun.


The post The Lego Movie: A review appeared first on The Parent Social.

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