Comments on: Planning a Christening Sharing all things lifestyle and parenting Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:03:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jean Collom Thu, 30 Jan 2014 22:44:23 +0000 I enjoyed reading this blog on organizing a Christening. Mike and I are looking forward to the occasion as well. It is always good to have a family gathering.
We have got to make sure Mike does’nt drive too fast coming down with the cake to be transported.

We were discussing Christenings the other day and although the christian side comes into it, we feel the main thing is that the Godparents are there for the child, or children, when in life they need guidance other than from the parents. When help and support is needed. If the parents feel that the chosen people can do this then that is all that can be expected.
I am still a believer that to make these promises in a church in front of a vicar is the right thing to do. My whole family have been christened throughout the generations and am so pleased Fran and Matt have chosen to do this as well.

I am sure if the girls wish to get married in church it will help them enormously.
