School September 23, 2019 0 Secondary School and Grammar School Decisions Choosing an infant school and then junior school for my three was a very simple… Tweet
Activities August 2, 2019 0 Animals to spot in the UK in August Bird spotting and butterfly counting were two of the Summer Holiday Challenges from my last… Tweet
Activities July 23, 2019 0 Summer Holiday Challenges In term time, children have a constant bombardment of homework, things to do and remember… Tweet
Health July 2, 2019 8 Nits nightmare – which treatments work best for nits and head lice My eldest went for a sleepover with several friends. A week later she was scratching… Tweet
Lifestyle May 31, 2019 1 Reducing Plastic Waste as a Family Cutting down on plastic waste should be an important matter for any modern household – and should… Tweet
Growing up May 19, 2019 0 Puberty and periods – Girls Only! I noticed a few subtle changes in my daughter’s body (aged 10) a few months… Tweet
Money May 7, 2019 0 Money Making and Money Saving Tips Here are a few tips and tricks for money making and money saving that I’ve… Tweet
Activities February 26, 2019 0 Sports Equipment for Children – Little Big Sports Little Big Sports specialises in sports equipment designed specifically for children aged 12 and under.… Tweet
Family February 1, 2019 0 Advice for parents who want to separate or divorce Recent statistics show that nearly 50% of children experience their parents going through a divorce… Tweet
Gifts January 22, 2019 0 Mermaid Costume I posted a picture of my daughter Maria in a mermaid costume in the bath… Tweet